
Friday, May 21, 2004

Chalabi Chooses a New Country to Dupe

The WashPost continues to have the best pipeline to leaks from the Iraqi prison abuse scandal. Today's offering is major, detailing abuse that includes sodomy, forcefeeding pork and liquor to admitted Muslims and a stomach-turning litany of brutal acts that makes what we've seen thus far look like a John Hughes film. Featured are six new photos and video stills that show some military folks that haven't been pictured before. Obviously, it was wishful thinking by the Bushies that charging seven low-level "bad apples" would eleviate this travesty. And by timing the release to coincide with the beginning of the Memorial Day week-plus break for Congress, the Post has undoubtably pushed this story to a full-stride gallop with minimal interference.

The Post also details the campaign coffers of Kerry and Bush as of the end of 2004's 1st Quarter. Kerry's now doubling the fundraising of Bush while the money continues to fly out of both camps with record speed. Bush has already dumped $130M, and has just over $71M on hand. Clearly the Bushies are showing the same approach to campaign spending that they encourage with regard to the Federal budget.

You have to wonder whether Richard Perle and his ilk are willing to take Ahmad Chalabi's calls these days. Yesterday's humiliating raid of his Chalabi's fiefdom grounds has begun to unleash a bunch more incriminating allegations about his questionable ties with other evildoers aside from the NeoCons. Is he really stupid enough to pass along classified info to Iran about the Occupation of Iraq? If so, he's burned his last bridge (lots of cells are opening for him at Abu Gharib, by the way). No matter how much I'd like to see it happen, I won't expect that Chalabi will get his just desserts and end up in the pokey. But that slope he's standing on is awfully slippery. Even though CBSNews broke the story into the open last night, as usual the Wall Street Journal advanced the story considerably this morning.

I've not yet commented on Randy Johnson's perfect game from earlier this week. Impressive feat, even for one of the ugliest men on the Planet. But my impression of Randy will forever be jaded by seeing him driving a Porsche 911 outside a grocery store in Seattle in the summer of 1995 when I had a pathetic job delivering practically-inedible organic sandwiches. His craggy noggin was sticking out of the sunroof and with his appalling mullet blowing in the breeze. A 6'10" man should never, EVER, drive a car that size. He could throw a perfect game on his 50th birthday and I'll still never get that vignette out of my memory.

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