
Monday, March 08, 2004

Truly Unbelievable

For anyone who watched the Dean documentary on CNN last night, I have only one comment to add to the ether. The Campaign was impressive from the point of view of the young and previously uninvolved. But it wasn't history with a capital "H" nor was it of similarly grandiose import. It was hype - the first American dotcom Campaign. Or at least it was all about the hype surrounding Joe Trippi - the Guv hardly utters a line without Trippi being in the frame throughout the entire hour. Anyone looking for a new "Journeys With George" will be sorely underwhelmed. Even though CNN's embed did a kick ass job of capturing all the emotional highs and lows.

One of the consistent attacks by the GOP in these early days of the head-to-head with Bush is directed at Kerry's "military" record. Putting aside his voting record in the Senate, this means Kerry's time in and out of Vietnam. On face value, that would seem like a ridiculous and dangerous path for the Bushies. But drawing attention to Kerry's involvement with the anti-war movement as a decorated vet may form an unkind and undeserved impression for many that remember that era with disdain. Joe Conason has a great piece on this attack angle on Salon today (be prepared for their irritating "free day pass registration" required to view it). Anyone the least bit interested in how to best respond to this wrongly framed "oppo" (opposition research) will surely enjoy the always well-researched Conason's analysis. The final couple paragraphs juxtaposing Colin Powell's own precariously unfavorable Vietnam experience are especially enlightening.

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