
Thursday, February 12, 2004

Something Smelly This Way Blows...

The standard Wisconsin stories are all around this morning for Dean and Edwards, while Kerry's back in Beantown. While I hate to feed the flames of what might be a ridiculous hack job, Matt Drudge just put up what he's deemed a campaign shocker in the form of a story about alleged infidelity by Kerry (LINK). This is either a huge story or a huge smear. Neither one would surprise me much.

The White House's latest document release would be hilarious if it weren't so obviously cynical. Namely, they released a one-page dental record that they say indicates Bush visited the dentist on-base in Alabama in January '73. Two things strike me immediately about this document. First, this is used to support the fact that Bush was paid for that date - who else gets paid to go to the dentist? And second, this is 3 months after the election he worked on in Alabama yet it's the first official indication of him showing up for duty. That's one LONG post-campaign party. Regardless, there's obviously many more documents out there - I'll not be convinced that his entire military file contained some redacted payroll tracking and a single sheet from his dental chart. The more they try to put this story to bed, the more they shake it awake.

Dean's comment in Wisconsin yesterday that an election between Bush and Kerry would require choosing between "the lesser of two evils" has to have Dem leaders nationwide up in arms. Dean's started to go much more negative, as has been widely reported. But this comment went so far over the line it wasn't even in the same area code. If Kerry's personal life suddenly becomes the issue, however, Dean may have just lobbed the first grenade in a whole new battle. And not so suddenly the game gets a whole lot muddier.

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