
Friday, February 27, 2004

Other things...

The web is full of junk. Innumerable blogs written by politico-freaks and news junkies. Discredited crap like Drudge. Everything from soup to nuts. After reading a wide array of the mainstream's redundant punditry on last night's Not-at-all Fierce Foursome debate, I need to step back and look at some other things. After all, most of this Primary Race hooey is not worth the electronic dead tree it gets printed on.

Bush is flat out wrong on his Gay Amendment, and the people that count votes in the Senate know he'll never get the SuperMajority (66%) that he needs. But at least he got Rosie out to get hitched.

The goalie from the Atlanta Thrashers has gone on injured reserve. Why am I listing my first-ever arcane hockey reference? Because I read that he hurt himself by slipping on the ice outside his hotel. I'll bet his house is pretty "thrashed" this morning after suffering that indignity.

Saw "The Passion of the Christ" yesterday. It's a bloody mess. Yes, it's filled with anti-Semitism. Yes, it incorrectly presents a favorable version of the Romans. No, it's not Art. It's grotesque. I can stomach the most gut-churning stretched-reality in films, but this is downright fraudulent. They kicked the crap out of Mel's Jesus for hours with some pretty heinous devices. Any person would die almost immediately after what Mel's Jesus begins with. And then it goes on for over an hour. Call it "The Whoopin' of the Christ" and you're more on the mark. I can't help but imagine busloads of church-goin-folk riding back home together in shocked silence after sitting through this travesty presented under the guise of Faith and Christian lore. Mel's Jesus looks the part. But what is done to make him look that way is appalling. Mel Gibson is assuredly insane.

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