
Friday, February 20, 2004

Mornings Change, Slowly

For months and months now, I've read a bundle of newspapers every morning - usually with a deadline of 6am. I'd pick stories for the Campaign's morning press brief, and with a few other guys put together a 50-pageish bundle that followed the Gov and all others round the country. Getting through that much electronic deadtree makes you feel like you've seen and read all that's going on before anyone's had their coffee. Yesterday was the last morning for that service. Old habits die hard, though. I'll be clipping more here in the future as an outlet. Information exists to be shared on a regular basis. These are, most certainly, interesting days for the Nation.

More Newsy Errata
1. The "Dean as dot com" stories continue - The Post and E.J. Dionne are today's offerings.
2. The Bushies get bizzy - Their ad strategy to cast Kerry as a hypocrite is a dangerous one. Ads can boomerang, big time.
3. After WAAAAY too long, Skilling looks scared - Enron will become a campaign issue unless Ken Lay also gets indicted for the endless crap they pulled. And they'll both see jail time, harsher than most would have expected.

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