
Monday, February 16, 2004

Grossing Out?

The biggest gripe for the Deaniacs this morning comes in the form of ominous comments from the Campaign's Chairman, Steve Grossman. He spoke openly to Jodi Wilgoren, the NYTimes embedded reporter, and without much in the way of nuance indicated that he'll support Kerry if Dean loses in Wisconsin on Tuesday (LINK). It's no secret that many people are leaving the Campaign and everyone's reading the poll numbers that show Kerry with a comfortable lead. But to have your top man outline a departure less than 48 hours before a crucial contest is pretty unprecendented. If you take the time to read the Dean blog, you'll see all manner of inelegant demands that Grossman leave. In a word - ouch...

In the debate last night, Kerry did his best to sound like himself. Even-keeled, largely uninspiring, but well-worded and very senatorial. Edwards, as usual, came out looking the best. And with a few subtle jibes at Kerry, he made the only news to come from the event (LINK). My only reaction to the evening is to marvel at just how good all the candidates have become at speaking in such a forum (even Kerry, no matter my above comments). For once in PoliticalHorserace History, having a full field has helped all comers willing to stick it out.

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