
Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Eyes Focused on the Actual Prize

Until just a bit earlier this morning, the Dean For America website didn't even mention that today's the Super 7 Primaries. Instead, the Campaign chose to promote tomorrow's "Meet Up" gatherings around the country. That, above and beyond anything else I've seen from the delusional Deaniacs in the last week, is an indication of just how their state of denial has polluted their vision of the overall stakes of this Election cycle. Thankfully, they've since minorly corrected course and posted a meek suggestion that people actually vote today. For those of you paying attention: South Carolina, Missouri, Oklahoma, Delaware, Arizona, New Mexico and North Dakota all have open polls today. Please do your duty and offer up your opinion of the current field if you live in any of the there's that are there. Your children and their children's children will thank you for the effort.

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